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Lou Zakas

Lou Zakas is honored for his total dedication to his family,
his friends and his community.

 Lou with his wife of 48 years, Deppie, “I trust him with anything at anytime and our friends feel the same way.”

Lou Zakas is honored by his sister Betty, who says Lou was “my protector: He looked after me because I was the baby of the family. He is my blood and my brother and there is no other. I love him to death.”

Lou & Dennis running with the Olympic torch.

Tony Stefanis, says “Lou is one in a million. He enriches the people and things he touches. To know Lou is to love him. He’s tough, honest, funny, passionate and loyal. On that fateful 9/11 day, we were stranded in Chicago trying for hours to get in touch with our son, Nick. When we finally reached his cell phone, Nick said, ‘I’m in the safest place in Atlanta. I’m in the Landmark Diner, sitting next to Uncle Lou.’ ”

Former Atlanta Mayor Sam Massell said of Lou: “He has been an extremely loyal political ally, a warm and personable friend, a fun guy to hang out with – he’s one of a kind, and many are better off as a result.”

Bill Marianes says “Lou has been blessed by God with a boundless enthusiasm, unbridled passion and an endless source of power. His passion for Hellenism would have made him among the most heroic figures of Greek mythology or the early Greek Church. He’s one of the truest heroes of our time. To him, achieving the unimaginable is always possible. When we told him we could never sell enough bricks to raise the necessary funds to make TRIBUTE a reality, he proved all of us wrong to the tune of over $250,000. Such is the vision and imagination of he who sees what can not be seen by the rest of us. Big Lou’s immortality is assured.”

Nephew Charlie Zakas says, “I enjoy my bi-weekly lunches with Uncle Louie. He encourages and mentors me in my family, business, and life. He promotes what is his greatest trait: family love. His teachings, generosity and actions help keep our family together, strong, and connected.”

George Ann Thomas says, “Lou has an incredible spirit. His wealth has never gotten in the way of his kindness, his love for his family or his faith. When Lou does something, it is done in a classy style.”

The George Demetriades family says, “Everyone should have an Uncle Lou. His love, generosity, and nurturing nature have been a constant in our lives. He’s a brother, friend, and a person who will do anything for you. Lou is a true mover and shaker; a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, uncle and Atlantan!”

Leo Frangis says, “When you do someone’s tax returns, you know him better than anyone. Lou’s a straight guy. If he tells you he is going to do something, count on it. You trust him because he tells you the truth whether you like it or not. He’s the best customer at the Landmark Diner. I know because I’m their accountant too!”
Lou with Deppie and Dennis.

Sotiri and Lea Zervoulia say, “When we think of Lou we think of A Man in Full: full of life, love, family, friends, giving and faith. In ancient Greece, people came to Delphi, the center of the universe, to hear the oracle, get opinions, suggestions and debate issues of the day. In modern-day Atlanta, they gather at the Landmark Diner with Lou!”

Johnny Economy says, “I have known Louie all my life. I see him as a father figure, brother, mentor, leader and friend. His generosity is only exceeded by his kindness, loyalty, dedication, commitment to community, heritage and love of his family.”

Lou’s grandson Ned says “Papou is a good guy. He takes us to the mall, Braves games, the Landmark or his house, where we play War and Gin Rummy. Sometimes he calls me ‘xero kefalo,’ which is ‘hard headed’ in Greek. When I do something wrong, Papou doesn’t yell; he teaches me a lesson from it.”

Above: With grandchildren (clockwise), Page, Ned, Cabell and Virginia.
Below: Lou (far right) with parents and siblings

His granddaughter Cabell remembers this past Christmas when “he tricked me. I picked up a grocery bag and it was full of crumpled $1 bills. He teaches me to say ‘se agapo.’ I love Papou bigger than a hundred.”
Granddaughter Virginia says, “If you’re hurt, he always tries to figure out how to fix it and make it better. He helps us in basketball. He took us to the Hellenic Center and taught us Greek dancing. He makes the best hamburgers and fruit salad.”

Granddaughter Page remembers, “This Summer he took us to Greece, where he taught us our heritage. He seems to know everyone wherever we go. He calls me Noula, short for Panoula, his mother’s name. I love his pancakes. He always wants to make us happy.”

Daughter-in-law Martie Zakas says, “He is one of those people who is larger than life. You feel his presence when he enters the room, probably because he has the biggest heart. As tough as he comes across on the exterior, he always senses who needs something and takes care of it. He’s a special grandfather and family patriarch.”

Lou’s son, Dennis Zakas, remembers “Growing up, Dad was my hero. He has always been hard working, honorable and respected by his community. He lost his entire business in the early ’70s, but he didn’t declare bankruptcy. Dad rolled up his sleeves, built a restaurant with his bare hands and paid everyone back. I am very proud of him. We have always had a relationship of mutual support and respect. He has also instilled in me a love of Hellenism. Although it was an honor to be the first Greek-American to run the torch in Greece, my happiest memory of the 1996 Olympics was running the Olympic torch with Dad in front of the State Capitol.”

His wife Deppie says, “I’ve been married to Lou for 48 years. I adore him. If there’s a need of any sort, he will jump in to help friends or family in any way. He’s generous with his time and money and himself. He’s fun, loyal and genuine. What you see is what you get. He’s my knight in shining armor.”


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